I'm fair new to SPFx and I was tasked to consolidate some webparts there were previously in different solutions into one spfx solution including all of them, I started with 4 webparts, in all of them I'm importing a common class called webpart-shared.module.scss and there I have the following:
@import "./breakpoints.scss";
label {
margin-bottom: 0px;
.btn {
border-radius: 0;
&.btn-primary {
The purpose of the above was to inject these as global in all webparts, so in every webpart I import this file, which seems to be working fine when running locally on the workbench (localhost and on https://mysposite.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx) all works fine and the CSS seem to be all OK, but as soon as I deploy into SharePoint Online all webparts CSS don't seem to behave the same, for instance I'm getting a white background coming from a boostrap file _reboot.scss which does not happen when running locally. This is not happening on the previous solutions/webpart, I already review all their code but nothing seems to differ apart from the common global I've created (posted above).
The webparts are always displayed 1 per page, so I don't think this is coming from conflicts between them.
I'm also using the display/clear loading indicator (which wasn't in use previously), would that ave some impact on this?