i have a SP list (Environment: 2016 on-prem) where i have a Checkbox field (Yes/No). Based on that Checkbox i want to set an incremental number to the list items. Means if the Checkbox is marked in an item of the list, it should Count a number, beginning from 1, and set it as fieldvalue to another field called "item number". if the Checkbox is unmarked, it should do Nothing on saving the list item.
So, if i create an item and mark the Checkbox, it should set the fieldvalue of "item number" to 1, when i add another item to the list and mark the Checkbox it should continue counting and set the fieldvalue of that item to 2 and so on... basically i want to add a continous counter via workflow only to items, where the Checkbox is marked.
any solutions? i'm quite new to SP designer workflows, so i would appreciate any walk-through guided solution.