I have been trying 50 different ways to get sharepoint to display a date based on other columns. I tried breaking it down into smaller parts figuring that my IF formulas were too long or sharepoint doesn't like using them - but the more likely thing is that i am messing up somewhere and i just don't see it.
Here are my columns that are involved and their formula
[ACA True] -> if column C = this or that then TRUE, FALSE
[Class End Date]- date column
[Date with Nesting] =IF([ACA True?]=TRUE,[Class End Date]+7,[Class End Date])
[Day of month for nesting] =DAY([Date with Nesting])
[Is Day of nesting 10 or less?] =IF([Day of month for nesting]<=10,"TRUE","FALSE")
[Beginning of Nesting Month] =DATE(YEAR([Date with Nesting]),MONTH([Date with Nesting]),1)
[end of nesting month] =DATE(YEAR([Date with Nesting]),MONTH([Date with Nesting])+1,1)-1+1
[30 Day Ramp] =IF([Is Day of nesting 10 or less?]=TRUE,[Beginning of Nesting Month],[end of nesting month])
Here is what is supposed to happen if the date of nesting is equal to or less than [Day of month for nesting] then set the 30 day ramp to the [Beginning of Nesting Month] else set it to [end of nesting month]
My eyes are crossed looking at sharepoint right now...I could use another set of eyes! thank you! so: if the nesting date is 9/5/2018 the 30 day ramp should be 9/1/2018 because the day of the nesting month is equal to or less than 10 if the nesting date is 9/18/2018 the 30 day ramp should be 10/1/2018 because the day of the nesting month of September is greater than 10
When I set [30 Day Ramp] =IF([Is Day of nesting 10 or less?]=TRUE,[Beginning of Nesting Month],[end of nesting month]) it always displays the END OF NESTING MONTH field