to Export the recycle bin information of a SharePoint site into Excel
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ea 0
# please specify the desired exportpath
$exportFile = "e:\temp\recycle.csv"
$siteUrl = "yourSiteCollectionUrl"
("Web", "ItemState", "Type", "Title", "Directory", "Name", "AuthorName",
"DeletedByName", "DeletedDate") -join ";" | Out-File -FilePath $exportFile
Write-Host "Data export from recycle bin of site $($siteUrl)"
$site = Get-SPSite $siteUrl
$site.RecycleBin | ForEach-Object {
($_.ItemState, $_.Web, $_.ItemType, $_.Title, $_.DirName, $_.LeafName,
$_.AuthorName, $_.DeletedByName, $_.DeletedDate) -join ";" | Out-File -
FilePath $exportFile -Append
Write-Host "Operation completed."
the source reference and more detail here
to restore a file from recycle bin by GUID
$site = Get-SPSite http://sp/sites/sitename
$site.RecycleBin.Restore("file GUID")
hope this answers your question