Is there an elegant recommended way or tool that allows updating URL's inside documents in SharePoint 2013 after a migration?
1 Answer
I assume you are looking for the tool / script to update links (URLs) referred in the wiki pages after migration. If you are looking for a tool to migrate across SharePoint and replace the URLs inside the pages (web parts), then you can take a look at Vyapin’s XPlica for SharePoint.
If you are looking for a tool / script to update the URLs in the web pages alone after migration, then I will give you the below PowerShell script that will help you to replace the old links with the new links with respect to target location.
Param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("Url")]$SPWebUrl, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("ListName")]$SPListName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("Search")]$SearchString, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][alias("Replace")]$ReplaceString)
Add SharePoint PowerShell SnapIn if not already added
if((Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Get SharePoint website object
$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb $SPWebUrl
Get SharePoint list object
$SPList = $SPWeb.Lists[$SPListName]
Iterate through each item in the Wiki Library
foreach($SPListItem in $SPList.Items)
Check if $SPListItem contains $SearchString
if($SPListItem["ows_WikiField"] -and $SPListItem["ows_WikiField"].contains($SearchString))
Check out page
Replace $Search_String with $Replace_String and update item
$SPListItem["ows_WikiField"] = $SPListItem["ows_WikiField"].replace($SearchString, $ReplaceString);
Check in page
$SPListItem.File.CheckIn("Checked in by system");
Write-Host "Completed"
Note: Run the PowerShell as Administrator on the target SharePoint server and execute the above script using Windows PowerShell.
not only in Wiki pages. I am really looking for a script that updates URL's inside .doc and .docx files. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 11:23