Filter = A and ( B or C )

For a sharepoint list, how does one get the above behavior?

For example, the default behavior would be Filter = A and B or C

Specifically, the desiresed filter is EmplyoeeActive = true AND ( Department = "Sales" OR Department = "Marketing" )

My current filter is returning any employee in sales or marketing, regardless of the the EmployeeActive being true.

2 Answers 2


Your OR clause must be done first.

Try Department = "Sales" OR Department = "Marketing" AND EmployeeActive=true


For more info on how filters work in list views then you could look at this article that I wrote for End User SharePoint.

This basically explains (as did Mike for this specific example) that filters are 'grouped in pairs from the beginning'. Difficult to explain without examples, but hopefully the article linked helps.

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