I would like to sync a SharePoint Online Task list with Outlook 2013/2016 and then filter the tasks to only

Display items assigned to the current user and the status of the task to not equal completed.

Is this possible? Can someone direct me in the right direction?

I can sync the list but the filters in Outlook aren't working

I have tried this now with multiple users all with the same results. I can sync entire Task List Items but I can't filter out non-complete tasks and display only the logged in user.

  • are you edit the view to filter with also status ? Commented Jul 25, 2016 at 16:49
  • Yes I have tried this too, and Outlook still pulls all tasks in the list and no filters
    – ITT4R CORP
    Commented Jul 25, 2016 at 16:50

1 Answer 1


unfortunately,I found out that Outlook doesn't understand the SharePoint views or custom fields.

To filter it down you would need to set a filter in each user's Outlook. as mentioned at this article

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