How to perform 'View' operation for fetching all metadata values of the specific version using SharePoint client object model, for instance here version 7.1

enter image description here

I am working for Provider hosted app [SharePoint online], so any SPServices would not be beneficial.

Any Ideas ?

2 Answers 2


You can use below mentioned code to get the details version of specific item from SharePoint list using Client Object Model.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using System.Net;

namespace AccessVersionItems
    class Class1
        File file;
        FileVersionCollection versions;
        ClientContext clientContext;
        IEnumerable<Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileVersion> oldVersions;
        public void GetVersion()
            clientContext = new ClientContext("http://xxxxxxx/workspace");
            clientContext.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("aaaa", "bbbbbb");
            Web web = clientContext.Web;

                    string path = web.ServerRelativeUrl + "/Lists/Issue Report/7_.000";  // it represet list id 7
                    file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(path);

                    ListItem versionListItem = file.ListItemAllFields;file.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues["Defect_x0020_Name"]

                    versions = file.Versions;
                    oldVersions = clientContext.LoadQuery(versions.Where(v => v != null));

                    if (oldVersions != null)
                        foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileVersion _version in oldVersions)

                            Console.WriteLine("Version : {0}", _version.VersionLabel);  // till working fine

                            File f = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/"+_version.Url.ToString());
                            clientContext.Load(f, ff => ff.ListItemAllFields);
                            string a = "";


Please change all server & list details (in variables) according to your server


Please replace below code

File f = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/"+_version.Url.ToString());


string versionItemUrl = file.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file.ServerRelativeUrl),"") + _version.Url;
File oldFile = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(versionItemUrl);

& try again.

  • Have you got it working?
    – Hardik
    Commented Jun 8, 2016 at 14:38
  • Thanks @Hardik for the code, I tried with this and getting error 'The object specified does not belong to a list.' on this line 'File f = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/dev/"+_version.Url.ToString());' where my string is build up like '/sites/dev/_vti_history/512/Global Lib/ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS.docx'
    – Kb15
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 14:06
  • Please check updated code in my answer.
    – Hardik
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 14:12
  • the problem ended up being that an SPFile was constructed in a parent web instead of the web in which the actual file resided using SPWeb.GetFile(url). So to fix the problem, make sure you construct your SPFile object (using GetFile anyway) in the SPWeb in which the file resides. eg. if the file lives here: \ParentSite\SubSite\Pages\Page.aspx, make sure the SPWeb you are using is "Subsite".
    – Hardik
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 14:15
  • Did you tried updated code? is that works for you?
    – Hardik
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 14:39
#region Using Directives

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using SP = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

using System.Net;


namespace SharePointClient
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string srcUrl = "https://aaa/bbb/ccc/";
            string destUrl = "https://aaa/bbb/ddd/";;
            System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("aaa", "ccc", "vvvv");

            string srcLibrary = "MySrc Library";
            string destLibrary = "MyDest Library";

            //copy latest full version of file
            CopyDocuments(srcUrl, destUrl, srcLibrary, destLibrary, credentials);      

        #region Supporting Methods

        public static void CopyDocuments(string srcUrl, string destUrl, string srcLibrary, string destLibrary, System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials)
            // set up the src client
            using (SP.ClientContext srcContext = new SP.ClientContext(srcUrl))
                // set up the destination 
                using (SP.ClientContext destContext = new SP.ClientContext(destUrl))
                    srcContext.Credentials = credentials;
                    destContext.Credentials = credentials;

                    // get the source web
                    SP.Web srcWeb = srcContext.Web;                   
                    SP.List srcList = srcWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(srcLibrary);
                    // SP.CamlQuery query = SP.CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery(5);
                    SP.CamlQuery query = new SP.CamlQuery();     
                    query.ViewXml = @"<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ICD_x0020_ID' /><Value Type='Text'>6382</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>";

                    SP.ListItemCollection srcItems = srcList.GetItems(query);

                    // get the destination web
                    SP.Web destWeb = destContext.Web;

                    foreach (var item in srcItems)
                            if (item.FileSystemObjectType == SP.FileSystemObjectType.File)
                                // get the first file version
                                SP.File file = item.File;
                                SP.FileVersionCollection versions = file.Versions;
                                //SP.FileVersion firstVersion = versions.OrderBy(L => L.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                SP.FileVersion firstVersion = versions.OrderBy(L => L.ID).Last();
                                foreach (SP.FileVersion _version in versions)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Version :{0}\t", _version.VersionLabel);

                                if (destContext.HasPendingRequest)

                                string filePath = Path.Combine(@srcUrl, firstVersion.Url).Replace(" ", "%20");
                                string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

                                // build new location url
                                string nLocation = destWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + destLibrary.Replace(" ", "%20") + "/" + fileName;

                                WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
                                client.Credentials = credentials;

                                using (Stream fileRef = client.OpenRead(filePath))
                                    SP.File.SaveBinaryDirect(destContext, nLocation, fileRef, true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("File Error = " + ex.ToString());


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