how to remove a .wsp solution i try from central admin>system settings>manage farm solution selected a solution and selected Retracting still this status shown Restract.

how to completely remove this solution.

2 Answers 2


Their are two ways to completely remove it.

Use Central admin.

  • go to central admin >System Settings -> Manage farm solutions.
  • On this Page, click on the solution which you want to remove.
  • 1st retract it,then remove it.

Use PowerShell

[Uninstall-SPSolution][1] –Identity SPSoltion.wsp   

[Remove-SPSolution][1] –Identity SPSolution.wsp 

At the end, if you solution has a timer job, then you need to restart the timer job as well.


To completely remove a solution:

  1. Deactivate all features brought by this solution, in all site collections/sites it may be activated in.
  2. From CA, choose Retract from the WSP details page. If it is a per-Web app WSP (as opposed to a globally-deployed WSP), choose "All content Web applications".
  3. Wait (refresh the page) till it's marked "not deployed"
  4. Choose Delete from the WSP details page.

If you're stuck at step #3 with a status frozen on "Retracting", you can try the following in a SharePoint PowerShell console (on all servers of the farm):

Net Stop SPAdminV4
Net Start SPAdminV4 

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