Has anyone successfully achieved the following:
Using SharePoint 2013, in the browser, create a custom list or library
Grant Full Access or Contribute access to this list or library for an Active Directory security group (not to individuals or SharePoint groups).
Add a workflow to this list using SharePoint Designer (set to initiate on the creation of a new item). If you have done this same series of steps but used Visual Studio to build the workflow I'd like to know if you had success as well. I haven't tried VS yet.
Have a user who is only a member of the Active Directory group (not someone with additional rights on the site) add a new list item.
The workflow begins.
I have tried this however the Workflow just does not start. No errors. It's just as though the workflow does not exist.
This seems to be critical functionality but I can't find anyone who has made it work.
Note: If I grant the same user direct permissions to the list the workflow initates and completes successfully, so this is not an issue with the workflow itself. Repeating the same steps using a 2010 Workflow (within SharePoint 2013) does not have this problem.
I have heard similar reports online but am trying to determine if this is a bug.
Thanks, Maureen