I have created a script that adds my search nav to my search site but it is still left with what was already there as out of the box. I am having trouble with finding how I can delete the nodes I don't want. Here is my code at the moment :

$Navigation = $ctx.Web.Navigation
$searchNavigation = $Nav.GetNodeById(1040);
foreach ($Node in $nodeC)


this doesn't delete the nodes, just give the error

Error while creating search result page. Error -->> The collection was modified. Enumeration operation may not execute

1 Answer 1


Instead of using foreach loop, try performing operation using a for loop.

for($node=0;$node -lt $nodeC.Count;$node++){
$nodeVal = $nodeC[$node];
  • For completeness, can you please add a code example that uses a for-loop in above scenario Commented Jan 13, 2015 at 11:40
  • Added Code example
    – 404
    Commented Jan 13, 2015 at 11:49

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