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Adrienne de Souza's user avatar
Adrienne de Souza
  • Member for 2 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
Errors while Creating a SharePoint Folder while using SharePoint Designer 2013 in a workflow
I have followed up with the problems I had -- I needed a couple more logs to be able to troubleshoot better. BUT, Dylan, your solution (not repeating the part of the path to get to the Library, since identifying the library is sufficient) worked 100% . Thank you so much! Marked as Solved! You rock!
Errors while Creating a SharePoint Folder while using SharePoint Designer 2013 in a workflow
Hi Dylan! That stopped the errors. I have not managed to trigger what I wanted to trigger, but it's no longer breaking. I am going to fix it now, and I think I can, thanks to you! You are amazing. I don't know how to flag your answer as the correct answer.