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The Offive Dev PnP is an open-source, community-driven initiative coordinated by SharePoint engineering. PnP includes development documentation, samples, reusable controls, and other relevant open-source initiatives related to SharePoint development that are closely involved with SharePoint engineering, but are not part of the official standard product or service offerings.

2 votes

How to use the patterns and practices

PnP-Sites-Core - If you are using CSOM(.NET) based solutions in your project, then this provides extensions to the OOTB CSOM dlls. … For example, the OOTB CSOM doesnt have the CreateContentType method, once you add the PnP dll, this extension method is exposed. …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a PnP PowerShell equivalent of Get-SPWebApplication for On-Premises ?

So, PnP being a wrapper around CSOM wont be able to access the web application object. web application in CSOM Get web application in CSOM …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

CommunicationSiteCollectionCreationInformation class in OfficeDevPnP.Core.Sites

It exists in the PnP Core Framework inside the OfficeDevPnP.Core.Sites namespace. Must be some other issue with your project or solution. …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
4 votes

PnPJS - Check if site collection exists

below import statement, we will be using the SPHttpClient provided by PnPJS to make a REST call to /_api/SP.Site.Exists endpoint to determine if a site collection exists or not import { sp } from "@pnp … /sp"; import { SPHttpClient } from "@pnp/sp"; 2) Modify your code as below, I created a helper method check if site collection exists or not and also used the render method, you can change it as per …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
0 votes

Can I use PnP PowerShell to set Conditional Access Policy on individual sites?

It is not supported natively using the Set-PnPTenantSite commandlet, however you can use Get-PnPTenantSite commandlet to get the site collection object and then update it as per your requirement. You …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
6 votes

PnPJS with on-prem sharepoint?

It is indeed possible to use PnP JS with SP OnPremise. It supports both 2013 and 2016 as well as the upcoming 2019 environment. … Reference - Getting started with PnP JS …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint PnP Powershell - How to provision sub webs with unique permissions and default gr...

This is a standard behaviour whenever we create a new Subweb using CSOM which is what ultimately PnP PowerShell is based upon. …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
4 votes

Can I get a list/library's Relative URL using PnP when I have its ID?

You need to expand the RootFolder property of a list. Modify your code as from below sample code : sp.web.lists.getById([THE ID]).select("Title","RootFolder/ServerRelativeUrl") .expand("RootFolder") …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Check if a given modern team site has a connected group or not

Yes, you need to check the GroupId property as below: using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("siteUrl")) { // authenticate clientContext.Load(clientContext.Site, s => s.Grou …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

SPFX - cannot get actual label of managed metadata list field

PnP JS supports this endpoint which can used. … </Query> </View>` }).then((userDivision) => { console.log(userDivision); }); Also, ensure that you are importing it correctly as: import { sp, RenderListDataParameters } from "@pnp
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

SPFx Angular Elements with @pnp/spfx generator

To use the angular elements with the latest version, you need to use an older version of Angular CLI as below: npm install -g @pnp/generator-spfx @angular/[email protected] or npm install -g @pnp/generator-spfx … @angular/[email protected] Reference - Angular elements in PnP SPFx generator …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Updating sharepoint list items with batch pnp, in bad request

batch.execute().then(r => { console.log(r); console.log("batch update successful"); }).catch(e => { console.log(e); }); If you are using it inside SPFx context, make sure to initialize the PnP
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

How to change a property retrieved by Get-PnPField if there's no Set-PnPField?

Not sure when it was added, but PnP powershell does have the Set-PnPField command available. I would suggest that you update to the latest PnP powershell. … Download link - PnP PowerShell releases Once this is done, you can set the value of a field to required as below: Set-PnPField -List 'LibraryTitle' -Identity 'ColumnName' -Values @{Required=$true} …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
5 votes

How to Provision a list with data using SharePoint Online PnP C#?

PnP will only migrate the structure and content types and not data. To provision the data, you will need to write a custom extensibility provider. … References - Provisioning.Extensibility Custom Extensibility Handlers for PnP Provisioning Framework …
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

How to get all modified wiki pages after specifc date inside a PNP script

Value Type='DateTime'>$formattedDate</Value></Geq></Where></Query></View>" $items = Get-PnPListItem -List "Pages" -Query $caml foreach ($i in $items) { #do some stuff here } You need to use the PnP
Gautam Sheth's user avatar

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