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2 answers

Get names from people picker and send mail to them by C#

I want to send mail to selected user in people picker control and CC to the his manager. Able to send the email to user. But how to get his manager email Id in C# Web part? Basically How to distribute ...
Milan Raj's user avatar
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how to use a people picker control in a visual webpart

I tried to create and use a People picker in my custom visual webpart by adding the Tagprefix and the peopleeditor control in my ascx page <%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft....
mallu coder's user avatar
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Get value of PeopleEditor control field in a string

How can I retrieve value of SharePoint:PeopleEditor control in a string programmatically in Server Side Object Model (C#)?
Zakir HC's user avatar
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JSOM peoplepicker 500 error

I am implementing a people picker on my visual webpart to allow users to query a list according to a person. My implementation is similar to the post found here, but when typing in the people picker I ...
KidBatman's user avatar
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Submitting data from PeopleEditor control in Web Part gives error

I have a web part that submits data to a list and it uses a PeopleEditor control for selecting users. Once user is selected, when I submit the form it gives following error Invalid data has been ...
soccer7's user avatar
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People Picker custom error message

I have people picker in my custom web part (SP 2013), and all my controls in updatePanel. Requirement is to set a custom error message for people picker. I am able to change the error message in ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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need to display image of the user in the people picker, Sharepoint 2013?

In the people picker, the attributes it shows are name,designation and their online or offline status, Is it possible to display the image of the person?
TrollLord's user avatar