I am trying to run the sharepoint powerpivot configuration tool however I am getting a message saying:

The term 'Get-SPExcelServiceApplication' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

I have tried running the command in the Sharepoint 2010 management shell and get the same problem. I have read that this may be related to my license type and according to central admin my license is "SharePoint Server with Enterprise Client Access License".

In central admin I have also done the following:

-Central Admin -> Operations -> Upgrade and Migration -> Enable Enterprise Features

-Central Admin -> Operations -> Upgrade and Migration -> Enable Enterprise Features on Existing Sites

Any other suggestions on how I can get this cmdlet to be recognized?

1 Answer 1


This turned out to be related to not ALL of the excel service application features being enabled in sharepoint. In order to activate the features go to central admin and then:


From here you can enable the following features:

Excel Services Application Edit Farm Feature

Excel Services Application View Farm Feature

Excel Services Application Web Part Farm Feature

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