somehow my branding elemnt disappeared. If I try to get it from Powershell it is still there
PS C:\temp> $app = Get-SPWebApplication http://myintranet
PS C:\temp> Write-Host $app.SuiteBarBrandingElementHtml
<div class=ms-core-brandingText>MyIntranet</div>
PS C:\temp> Write-Host $app.Name
But it doesn't show up on the site? It's not hidden by css. Do you know what could be the problem or how to solve it?
EDIT: This is what is rendered:
<div id="suiteBarLeft">
<div class="ms-table ms-fullWidth">
<div class="ms-tableRow">
<div class="ms-tableCell ms-verticalAlignMiddle">
While a working site collection has the following code:
<div id="suiteBarLeft">
<div class="ms-table ms-fullWidth">
<div class="ms-tableRow">
<div class="ms-tableCell ms-verticalAlignMiddle">
<div class="ms-core-brandingText">SharePoint</div>
I am using a custom master page but not a custom solution. Going back to a seattle masterpage doesn't solve.