If you have recreated the whole service application for User Profiles, did you rebind the User Profile Property PictureURL
to the AD property thumbnailPhoto
? I have made the mistake to miss this one in the past.
I found a great step by step guide here that outlines these three steps:
- Create an import PictureURL mapping
- Perform a full profile synchronization
- Run the Update-SPProfilePhotoStore PowerShell command
After updated info about not using AD to sync pictures
Have you checked out this post?
Basically a script similar to this (from the link):
Param (
$mySiteHostSite = Get-SPSite $MySiteUrl
$mySiteHostWeb = $mySiteHostSite.OpenWeb()
$context = Get-SPServiceContext $mySiteHostSite
$spPhotosFolder = $mySiteHostWeb.GetFolder("User Photos")
$profileManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($context)
$AllProfiles = $ProfileManager.GetEnumerator()
foreach($profile in $AllProfiles)
$AccountName= $profile[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PropertyConstants]::AccountName].Value
if($profile["PictureURL"].Value -eq $null -or $profile["PictureURL"].Value -eq $null )
$checkUrl =$spPhotosFolder.url +"/" + "Profile Pictures" + "/" + $AccountName.Replace("\","_") + "_MThumb.jpg"
$profile["PictureURL"].Value = $mySiteHostWeb.Url + "/" + $checkurl
"Updated!!! " + $AccountName
$mySiteHostWeb.Url + "/" + $checkurl
"Updatable!!! " + $AccountName
"Missing !!! " + $AccountName
"OK! " + $AccountName + " " + $profile["PictureURL"].Value
but please see the post for details about what you need to modify for your environment (like "User Photos" folder)