Is there any way how to find out how much free space is remaing in the whole Sharepoint site? I need to find it out by SOAP interface.
Thank you for your comments.
if memory servers me correct there is no webservice that would do what your asking for!
you need to make a custom webservice and within the code add,
public string getWarninglevel(string url)
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(url))
//the warning level when reached
return siteCollection.Quota.StorageWarningLevel.ToString();
public string getMaxlevel(string url)
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(url))
//your max storage you can have
public string getCurrentlevel(string url)
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(url))
//your total storage avaiable
return siteCollection.Usage.Storage.ToString();
im returning string for simplicity ;)
to make a webservice either follow any of these:
within the browser when you do vti_bin/SiteQuto.asmx you would/should have those three methods to use. The last one is the one you are looking for!