Hi I am trying to build a query using caml query builder - Below is the query (The query = get the values only whose address = 1234st AND LastName = Doe) - I believe the placement of AND operator is giving me error, tried various permutation by changing the position of AND operators but no luck - any suggestions?

 <FieldRef Name = "ID" Ascending = "TRUE"/>
   <FieldRef Name = "HomeType"><Value Type="Choice">Condo</FieldRef>
   <FieldRef Name = "LastName"><Value Type="Text">Doe</FieldRef>

4 Answers 4


Try this:

<FieldRef Name="ID" Ascending="TRUE"/>
   <FieldRef Name="HomeType"/><Value Type="Choice">Condo</Value>
   <FieldRef Name="LastName"/><Value Type="Text">Doe</Value>
  • Also no spaces around the equal sign. Name = " becomes Name=".
    – Kit Menke
    Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 3:58
  • cleaned those up Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 5:32
  • 1
    Spaces around the equal sign i.e. Name = " do not create any issue. Commented Mar 15, 2015 at 12:53
  • <FieldRef> don't want a body!!! The answer of @ilMattion is right.
    – Emaborsa
    Commented Jul 11, 2016 at 8:05
  • @Emaborsa what are you referring to? Commented Jul 11, 2016 at 11:56

I think that this code:

 <FieldRef Name = "HomeType"><Value Type="Choice">Condo</FieldRef>

must be like that:

   <FieldRef Name = "HomeType" /><Value Type="Choice">Condo</Value>

Try using the CAML query buider from U2U, it's really helpful. It will build the queries for you


You had an extra <And> and </And>. Just remember that you only need a set of those around every 2 fields (or groups) you are comparing. Ex.

         <FieldRef Name="HomeType"><Value Type="Choice">Condo</FieldRef>
         <FieldRef Name="LastName"><Value Type="Text">Doe</FieldRef>
        <FieldRef Name="ID"><Value Type="Integer">1</FieldRef>

And this is also valid. Notice the grouping of two items per 'And', then an 'And' between the two groups:

         <FieldRef Name="HomeType"><Value Type="Choice">Condo</FieldRef>
         <FieldRef Name="LastName"><Value Type="Text">Doe</FieldRef>
        <FieldRef Name="Rooms"><Value Type="Integer">2</FieldRef>
        <FieldRef Name="Location"><Value Type="Text">Brooklyn</FieldRef>

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