We usually use parameter binding in DVWP for eg to get server variables. Does any body has idea how to do it for xslt list view web part.

I need to fetch looged on user id in list view web part for which I need parameter binding for LOGON_USER.

I have read some where that it can be done using server side object model(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff806164.aspx )but I can not do it.

At the max I can use JavaScript object model.

does someone know a,way to do it.

  • I know this is an alternative...What i am looking for specifically for parameter binding. The reason is if i could add parameter binding i will get USER(or any other variable) in XSLT rather that JS.
    – Mohit
    Commented Jun 20, 2013 at 5:21


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