So, what we are going to do is add a short jQuery script on our page.
This script will read the text in a text box and then filter all the
rows in a list view and only show those rows that contain text that’s
in the text box. To be more exact the script will:
1.Find the specific table we want to filter (don’t filter on EVERY row on the page, that would hurt performance).
2.Iterate through each row in that table.
3.Strip off the html tags (we don’t want those affecting our search results, and the speed of the string search)
4.Search the remaining text to see if the text in the filter box exists in what’s left
5.Hide/Show rows accordingly
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"src="/Scripts/jquery.min.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
//attach a function to the keyup event on the filter box
//strip off html taqs
function stripHTML (field) {
return field.replace(/<([^>]+)>/g,'');
function DynamicFilter(text)
//find out list view (default class for a listview is "ms-listviewtable"
$('table [class="ms-listviewtable"]').find('tr').each(function()
//don't filter out the header row
if ($(this).attr("class") != "ms-viewheadertr ms-vhltr")
//get the html for the row and strip off the html tabs
source = stripHTML($(this).html());
//check to see if the filter text exists in the remaining text
if (source.indexOf(text) < 0)
//hide the row if it doesn't contain the text
} else {
//otherwise show it
<div id="mainDiv">
<td class='Filter' width='125px'>Search: <input type="Text" id="filterInput" ></td>
you can use other methods like binding to the list and from the dataset ;) can be done quite easily but requires a bit of coding :)