When I only have Office 2013 available to me, is there still a way to sync with a Sharepoint 2010 Workspace for offline access? e.g. will skydrive pro work with a Sharepoint 2010 Workspace? Or some other method?

Or is it the case that I still must have an Office 2010 files & license for the Sharepoint Workspace 2010 client?

2 Answers 2


The problem is that OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive Pro) will not sync with a SharePoint 2010 server. The MS KB article 2904784 points out that if you intend to sync with a SharePoint 2010 server then you must use SharePoint 2010 Workspace for folder sync. OneDrive (SkyDrive) has been coded to disallow syncing between OneDrive and SharePoint 2010.



As you know, SharePoint Workspace is deprecated in 2013 but they do offer a workaround with Folder Sync in Office 2013. Is this not working for you?

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