i need to develop some sharepoint search alert related werb part and would be grateful if anyone who has previous knowlenge in this area share code snippets or sights where i am guided.
Thank you.
Code for creating alerts: User's Alerts always null
I would then go check out:
With the MS structure in mind you should be able to create some example alerts in the gui then fish out their properties with powershell:
PS H:\> $w = get-spweb http://mysites.NotReally.com
PS H:\> $w = get-spweb http://mysites.NotReally.com/sites/ghangas
PS H:\> $w.alerts | ? {$_.AlertTemplateName -like "oss*"}
Title : Search: tasks
AlertTemplateName : OSS.Search
AlertTemplate : SPAlertTemplate Name=OSS.Search
Filter :
Properties : {p_query, eventtypeindex, p_lastnotificationtime, filterindex...}
ID : 7d49e2a8-0164-4880-9bd1-84a726558c5f
ListID :
MatchId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ItemID :
ListUrl :
List :
Item :
AlwaysNotify : True
DeliveryChannels : Email
AlertType : Custom
EventType : Add
EventTypeBitmask : 1
AlertFrequency : Daily
AlertTime : 10/19/2012 11:00:00 AM
Status : On
User : ghangas
UserId : 1
DynamicRecipient :
PS H:\> ($w.alerts | ? {$_.AlertTemplateName -like "oss*"}).properties["p_query"]
<Query Culture="en-US" EnableStemming="False" EnablePhonetic="False" EnableNicknames="False" IgnoreAllNoiseQuery="True"
SummaryLength="185" KeywordInclusion="0" QueryText="tasks" TrimDuplicates="True" Site="f5618d6c-4613-4e94-ad8f-e9c0dfae2a80"
KeywordType="True" HiddenConstraints=" site:"http://mysites.NotReally.com/sites/ghangas/Lists/Tasks" " />
With this as a starting point you should be able to see what you can play with, where to build a query, and how to work with the MS Alert structure.