I'm involved in upgrading a Sharepoint 2007 server to 2010. Most of it has gone smoothly but I'm stuck on the advanced search. We're using the same advanced.aspx search page as in the 2007 setup but no results show up.
I've got an advanced search box webpart at the top of the page and then a Search Core Results webpart underneath that. All I get in the results web part is "No results are available. Either no query is specified, or the query came from advanced search (Federated Webparts do not support Advanced Search queries).
I've tried the Federated Results webpart and that doesn't display anything either. It stays blank after a search.
Could it be something to do with the 2 Advanced Search boxes on the page? I think the visible one is the second but I can't get access to the first because the web part area it's in seems to be above or under the ribbon now after the upgrade.
Any ideas?