I have created a web part in SharePoint 2007 which has over 40 controls and I was able to make two different Tool Part classes to hold the different sections of the custom controls. I am converting the part over to SharePoint 2010, and I am having a hard time getting two EditorPartCollection class to work on the same page. How can I have two of these? I am sure it is possible, I am just having a hard time getting this to work. Any help would be appreciated.

 public override EditorPartCollection CreateEditorParts()
        var editor = new ClockEditor
            ID = ID + "_Editor",
            Title = "Custom Clock Editor"
        return new EditorPartCollection(new EditorPart[] { editor });

    public override EditorPartCollection CreateEditorParts()
        var zoneEditor = new ZoneEditor
            ID = ID + "_Editor",
            Title = "Time Zone Editor"
        return new EditorPartCollection(new EditorPart[] { zoneEditor });
  • Try EditorPartCollection(ICollection editorParts);
    – user21028
    Commented Nov 26, 2013 at 13:03

1 Answer 1


See if this works:

public override EditorPartCollection CreateEditorParts()
    var zoneEditor = new ZoneEditor
        ID = ID + "_Editor",
        Title = "Time Zone Editor"
    var editor = new ClockEditor
        ID = ID + "_Editor",
        Title = "Custom Clock Editor"
    return new EditorPartCollection(new EditorPart[] { editor, zoneEditor });
  • I tried that and it did not seem to work right. i do not think I did the return new EditorPartCollection(new EditorPart[] { editor, zoneEditor }); part right I am going to try again thanks. I have for now just loaded all of the controls into the one editor part. I really do not want to do this because I have so many controls. It has been much neater to keep them separate. Thanks for the suggestion.
    – lazoDev
    Commented Sep 11, 2012 at 17:56
  • That is it. Thanks. I was trying to return two instances of the EditorPartCollection and that is why it was not working. Thank you. I knew there had to be a way I was overlooking. +1
    – lazoDev
    Commented Sep 11, 2012 at 18:04

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