I am trying to get webhook notification from sharepoint sites by using graph api as instructed in this document.

From here I confirmed that driveItem can also be used for webhook notification. I created a webapplication which can receive notification and then created another console application which can use graph api to create subscription.

I was able to create a successfull subscription, but on doing on any CRUD operation on any sharepoint site i was not able to get any hits/notification in site notification in my webApplication, is there any step i am missing or there is issue with Resource parameter in the below shown request body.

var subscription = new Subscription
    ChangeType = "updated",
    NotificationUrl = "https://176fb499.ngrok.io/SPWebhooksReceiver/api/spwebhook/handlerequest"
    Resource = "/drive/root",
    ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(25),
    ClientState = "A0A354EC-97D4-4D83-9DDB-144077ADB449"

1 Answer 1


Here driveItem means the content in the hierarchy of a root folder driveItem in OneDrive for Business, or of a root folder or subfolder driveItem in a user's personal OneDrive.

- List item

You can set the resource on drive item like below:

enter image description here

As the subscribed resource is limited to OneDrive, you may need to perform CRUD operations on OneDrive site to trigger the notifications.


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