I have a form with multiple SharePoint fields set as "currency". How do I put a currency field value into a variable? I've tried several version, such as:

var txt01TotCash = $("input[id='Total_x0020_Cash__2abd298c-4fee-401a-b51a-d48afd27a395_$CurrencyField']").text();


var txt01TotCash = $("input[id='Total_x0020_Cash__2abd298c-4fee-401a-b51a-d48afd27a395_$CurrencyField']").val();


var txt01TotCash = $("input[title='Total Cash']").val();

The error I get is val is not a function or text is not a function.

Any ideas?


1 Answer 1


By Looking at your code, Either jQuery is not loaded properly or your selector for currency is wrong:

Try below code:

  1. Using Plain JavaScript:
    var currencyField = document.querySelector("input[title^='Currency']"); //Here "Currency" is display name of field.
    var currencyValue = currencyField.value;
    currencyField.addEventListener('change', function() {
        var currencyValue = currencyField.value;
  1. Using jQuery:
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var currencyValue = $("input[title^='Currency']").val(); //Here "Currency" is display name of field.

        $("input[title^='Currency']").change(function() {
            currencyValue = $("input[title^='Currency']").val();

Make sure jQuery file is loaded properly.

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