I am attempting to use a migration tool that will extract properties from images (drone photos) and map them to columns in SharePoint Online. I'm focused on one property just to get the ball rolling.

In the image, I'm confident Altitude is represented as GPSAltitude. I've created a column called Altitude in SharePoint, but am not having luck. The tool requires that a txt file contain the property in the image be mapped to the corresponding SharePoint internal column name. Based on the examples given in the txt file, I'm guessing I have the internal SharePoint column name wrong. Please see the image below:

enter image description here

  • 2
    You can get the internal name of column from Column settings. Open column from list settings and see for "Field=" in url at very last. you will find the correct internal name after = and before next query string parameter. See here for clarification. Commented Apr 22, 2019 at 13:08

5 Answers 5


We can use the SharePoint Client Browser (SPCB) uses the SharePoint API (a.k.a. CSOM) to connect to a remote SharePoint site collection and shows the site structure with related properties and values.

Download: SharePoint Online Client Browser v4.3

More information: SharePoint Client Browser (SPCB)

  • This is a fantastic tool! Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 13:37

Step to see Internal column name: 1.Open list.(whatever your list is)
2.Click on gear icon located on top right side.
3.Click on List Settings
4.Then scroll down, you will find column names in left side of screen.
5.Click on column name.
6.Then see its URL
i am attaching screenshot for your reference.
enter image description here

enter image description here

  • 1
    This is a more broadly available solution that anyone can access versus downloading a tool
    – Tom Resing
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 21:16
  • @TomResing see also Ganesh solution not bad
    – serge
    Commented Apr 11 at 7:36
  • @serge, I do like that Ganesh identifies multiple paths. If he built that out with a little more explanation than just the REST method, it would be the best answer.
    – Tom Resing
    Commented May 26 at 19:24
  • @TomResing Added more details to my answer, hope it helps! Commented May 27 at 9:24
  • 1
    @GaneshSanap-MVP, looks great. Thanks! I can’t change the best answer mark but I would if I could.
    – Tom Resing
    Commented May 28 at 0:35

There are multiple ways to get the internal name of your SharePoint online column, via SharePoint UI (modern experience as well as classic experience), SharePoint REST API, PnP PowerShell or CLI for Microsoft 365, etc.

From SharePoint UI:

  1. Go to the SharePoint online list.
  2. Click on Settings (gear) icon from the top right corner and select "List settings".
  3. Scroll down to the "Columns" section and click on the column name for which you want to find the internal name.
  4. SharePoint will open column settings page for the respective column with browser URL like:

Where column name (MultilineTextCol) after Field= is the internal name of your SharePoint online multiple lines of text column.

Using SharePoint REST API:

You can also use endpoint like below to get the internal name using SharePoint REST API:

https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/SPConnect/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('List Name')/fields?$select=Title,InternalName&$filter=Title eq 'Created By'

Using PnP PowerShell:

# Get internal name of SharePoint list column
Get-PnPField -Identity "My Column Display Name" -List "My List Name" | Select Title,InternalName

You can understand other ways to find internal name of SharePoint list columns, best practices for naming SharePoint columns, etc. in this article: How to find the Internal name of columns in SharePoint Online?


For anyone still wanting to do this, I have created a bookmark to get internal names of SharePoint columns that can be found here: https://github.com/A-Murchison/SharePoint-Shortcuts

After adding the bookmark you can click it to view the internal name like below: enter image description here

  • I wasn't able to get that to work. I think "bookmarklets" might have been disabled because of security. However, when I past your code into the DevTools Snippet tab and run it, it works well. Thanks! You might consider sharing this option as documented in the following article: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/…
    – Tom Resing
    Commented May 26 at 19:23
  • 1
    Thanks for the feedback @TomResing , I'll put a link to creating snippets for other people. Appreciate it! As a side note, sometimes the bookmark doesn't work for me when the _spPageContextInfo isn't loaded.
    – Murchiad
    Commented May 27 at 21:17
  • 1
    @TomResing if there's any more functionality you'd like please reach out
    – Murchiad
    Commented May 27 at 21:29
  • great updates to the ReadMe.Md! I love that code snippets work where I used to be able to use bookmarklets.
    – Tom Resing
    Commented May 28 at 0:39

For On Prem versions of SharePoint: 1.) Go to List Settings. 2.) Hover your cursor ver the name of the column. 3.) Look for the URL at the bottom of the page, the end of which is the internal name of your column.

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