I was tasked with restructuring our department's Sharepoint library, because people were complaining that nobody finds anything any longer. After consulting the literature, I believe that it is not enough to simply have a different folder structure, and I am trying to apply some more UX-friendly "nudges".
One thing that I would very much like to see is to have a very short text hinting towards how a folder should (or shouldn't) be used, a bit similar to the tag blurb on Stack Overflow sites. But what I am missing is a way to really implement it.
Ideally, this would be visible before the folder is opened. I had hoped that I can just add a site column with "usage notes" and fill it with these notes, but I never found a way to fill this column for folders, only for files. The picture below is a mockup of what I wanted.
Another thing I considered is to have some text showing after the folder is opened, above the list of folders and files. I tried adding a separate web part, but its content stays the same no matter where one has navigated to within the library. And I need the text to change for different folders.
What are my options to achieve my goal, be it in these places or somewhere else?