Help please, I'm trying to call the function to get the number of comments from the modern page, but I can not correctly display the result in the html code:
private async getSitePageComments(id: string): Promise<string> {
const currentWebUrl: string = this.context.pageContext.web.serverRelativeUrl;
let req: string = `/_api/web/lists/SitePages/GetItemById(${id})/likedBy`;
const response = await this.context.spHttpClient.get(`${currentWebUrl}${req}`, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1);
const responseJSON = await response.json();
const comments: Comment[] = responseJSON.value;
return comments.length.toString();
private _getListData(listname: string): Promise<ISPLists> {
return this.context.spHttpClient.get(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + `/_api/web/lists/SitePages/Items`, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1)
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse) => { debugger; return response.json(); }); }
private _renderListAsync(listname: string): void {
.then((response) => {
this._renderList(response.value, listname);
}); }
private _renderList(items: ISPList[], listname: string): void {
let html: string = '';
let inwork: number = 0;
let innew: number = 0;
let inclose: number = 0;
let intotal: number = 0;
items.forEach((item: ISPList) => {
this.getSitePageComments(item["ID"]).then(function (result) {
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv1}">Нравиться: ${result}</div>`;
if (item.Status == "В работе") {
if (item.Status == "Новое") {
if (item.Status == "Завешено") {
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv1}">Новых:</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv2}">${innew}</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv1}">В работе:</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv2}">${inwork}</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv1}">Внедрено:</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv2}">${inclose}</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv1}">Всего идей:</div>`;
html += `<div class="${styles.myDiv2}">${listname}</div>`;
const listContainer: Element = this.domElement.querySelector('#spListContainer');
listContainer.innerHTML = html; }
public render(): void {
this.domElement.innerHTML = `
<div class="${styles.helloWorld}">
<div class="${ styles.container}">
<b><p class="ms-font-l" style="text-align: left">Статистика</p></b>
<div id="spListContainer" />
this._renderListAsync("Авто"); }