I'm working with SharePoint API. I'd like to check a status column value, which is changed to "new" when a new document is uploaded and changed throughout our ETL process.

I'm accessing the file via:


But this doesn't get me the column of the file in the library in which it exists. JSON properties I get are:

  • MajorVersion
  • MinorVersion
  • ServerRelativeURL
  • Name


Where is:

  • Name
  • Modified
  • Modified By
  • Status (custom field)


1 Answer 1


You probably need below:


It will return files properties along with associated list item properties.

  • do you know how I can make a PUT request to update said column name? I'd like to use the REST API to change the status column's value.
    – user3871
    Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 22:00

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