From my understanding, there is no checkout function inside a SharePoint 2007 List.

So, what is the best practice that SharePoint Professionals and Expert do to make sure that a item of a SharePoint 2007 List is not modify concurrently? (meaning that there are two person who is perform modification to the item and only the last modification is apply to the item)

1 Answer 1


There isn't checkout on SharePoint lists (there is on document libraries) - SharePoint uses optimistic concurrency rather than pessimistic concurrency - e.g.

  • User A opens up edit form and starts editing
  • User B opens up ...
  • User A saves
  • User B clicks save but SP warns them that the data has changed since they started editing and will make the user B view User A's changes and re-enter.

For most use cases this is sufficient as an edit on a list item will generally be started and completed pretty quickly (as opposed to a document that could be being edited for hours or days) so the chance of this occurring is small.

Can I ask what use case and load that you're expecting this to be a problem for? Is this actually causing a problem now or are you perhaps over engineering? (no offence intended)

  • Thanks Ryan for the reply. May I know if "SP warns user B that the data has changed since they started editing" also apply for SPServices? Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 0:49
  • Don't know about SPServices. The web service and object model all throw errors in this situation but it would be up to the client program to display this to the user.
    – Ryan
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 7:41
  • Hi Ryan, just to answer your question - the load may be like 30 request per minute in the 1st hour and last hour of a working day. I am just preparing in advance in case it peak over 60 request to 100 request per minute. Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 9:00
  • Are these 30 requests per minute actually updates to the SAME list item?
    – Ryan
    Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 8:35
  • Yes, 30 requests per minute to update the SAME list item. Commented Nov 25, 2011 at 2:58

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