I want to accomplish this using SharePoint Designer and OOTB features.
Requirement : List with details - employee name , start date , end date. 30 days prior to end date send an email , 15 days prior to end date send an email. On end date change , email should be send according to new end date.
Workflow : on item added and item created.
Solution (tried) : On item created, pause until [end date - 30] , once workflow comes out of pause ,send mail and pause for [end date - 15], workflow comes out of pause ,send mail.
Problem / Issue : Item created, workflow is on Pause till [end date-30]. If i change the end date , workflow remains in pause and does not refresh for new end date. I tried to get the steps to check weather end date has changed , if yes them stop the workflow. But how to start the workflow again.
Any other steps that I can follow to achieve the requirement?