Is there a way to display link columns in a database table. I was following this but turns out link fields aren't display with a link.

Instead the entire hyperlink is displayed which messes up the look and feel of the table. I added following to the DataTableListView.js but it did not make any changes

else if (ctx.ListSchema.Field[index].Name === "Find_this_Opportunity") {
    cell = "<a href='" + ctx.displayFormUrl + "&ID=" + ctx.CurrentItem.ID +  "'>";
    cell += ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.ListSchema.Field[index].RealFieldName];
    cell += "</a>";

1 Answer 1


I finally figured it out. Here is the code that works.

    else if (ctx.ListSchema.Field[index].Name === "Find_this_Opportunity") {
        var OpportunityUrl = ctx.CurrentItem["Find_this_Opportunity"]
        var OpportunityDesc = ctx.CurrentItem["Find_this_Opportunity.desc"]         
        cell = '<a href="'+OpportunityUrl+'">'+OpportunityDesc+'</a>';

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