I am trying to update my list. My codes already worked but I don't know what happened. When I designed my page, then hit Ctrl +S, then upload it again to share point, the codes didn't run already. I have deadline.

When I click table row, information goes to text box. When I change something in the tex tbox and clicked button, the table should update, but in my codes, it doesn't work.

Here's my code for SP Services: I don't know if I miss something or if I deleted something. I'll appreciate your answers. I hope for fast replies. Thanks a lot!

function Updatethis(){
    var method = "UpdateListItems";
    var list = "RFA_BODIList";
    var id=document.getElementById('ID').value;
    var supfunc=document.getElementById('supfunc').value;
    var tn=document.getElementById('tn').value;
    var td=document.getElementById('td').value;
    var ttype=document.getElementById('ttype').value;
    var prio=document.getElementById('prio').value;
    var func=document.getElementById('func').value;
    var req=document.getElementById('req').value;
    var rsum=document.getElementById('rsum').value;

    var fieldsToRead = "<ViewFields>" +
        "<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='Title' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='TicketNumber' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='TicketDescription' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='TicketType' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='Priority' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='RequestorFunctionalArea' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='Requestor' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='RequestSummary' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='RequestDate' />" +
        "<FieldRef Name='Status' />" +

   var query = "<Query>" +
                    "<Where>" +
                            "<Eq>" +
                                "<FieldRef Name='ID'/><Value Type='Number'>" + id + "</Value>" +
                            "</Eq>" +
                    "</Where>" +

            operation: method,
            async: false,
            listName: list,
            CAMLViewFields: fieldsToRead,
            CAMLQuery: query,
            updates: "<Batch OnError='Continue' PreCalc='TRUE'>" +
                        "<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'>" +
                            "<Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='Title'>" + supfunc + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='TicketNumber'>" + tn + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='TicketDescription'>" + td + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='TicketType'>" + ttype + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='Priority'>" + prio + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='FunctionalArea'>" + func + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='Requestor'>" + req + "</Field>" +
                            "<Field Name='RequestSummary'>" + rsum + "</Field>" +
                        "</Method>" +
            completefunc: function (xData, Status) {



Here's my codes for text boxes and button:

 <div class="inputWrapper" style="margin-top: 40px;">
<input type="text" id="ID"/>
<input type="text" id="supfunc"/>
<input type="text" id="tn"/>
<input type="text" id="td"/>
<input type="text" id="ttype"/>
<input type="text" id="prio"/>
<input type="text" id="func"/>
<input type="text" id="req"/>
<input type="text" id="rsum"/>

</div> <input type="button" value="Update" class="Updatethis" onclick="Updatethis()"/>

1 Answer 1


I already figured it out.

If you can see: The Name of my <FieldRef Name = 'RequestorFunctionalArea'/> here...(see below)

var fieldsToRead = "<ViewFields>" +
    "<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='Title' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='TicketNumber' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='TicketDescription' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='TicketType' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='Priority' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='RequestorFunctionalArea' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='Requestor' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='RequestSummary' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='RequestDate' />" +
    "<FieldRef Name='Status' />" +

is different to my "<Field Name='FunctionalArea'>" + func + "</Field>". See below.

 updates: "<Batch OnError='Continue' PreCalc='TRUE'>" +
                    "<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'>" +
                        "<Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='Title'>" + supfunc + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='TicketNumber'>" + tn + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='TicketDescription'>" + td + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='TicketType'>" + ttype + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='Priority'>" + prio + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='FunctionalArea'>" + func + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='Requestor'>" + req + "</Field>" +
                        "<Field Name='RequestSummary'>" + rsum + "</Field>" +
                    "</Method>" +

Just change the Name, and tada! It will work! They should have the same name. I just overlooked it.

I hope this will help others. Thank you for reading.

To God be the glory!

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