I want to pass the spuser as a paramter to the caml query

but when i tried the below code its throwing error:

        using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
                    SPDocumentLibrary objDocLibProjDocLibrary = 
         spWeb.Lists.TryGetList("ProjectDocumentLibrary") as 

                   // string strsingleProjCodeStageTupleSet = 

                    string strstage1 = "Concept And Design Proto 
          Developement";//"Feasibility and Kick Off"; //
                    string strnp11user =@"mydomain\NPD11";

                    string strsingleProjCodeforptp = 
                    SPUser objuser1 = spWeb.EnsureUser(strnp11user);


                   string  strPTPQueryforPDL = "<Where><And><Eq>"
                         + "<FieldRef Name='ProjectCode' />"
           Value Type='Text'>" + strsingleProjCodeforptp + "</Value>"
                        + "</Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='AssignedTo' />"
                       + "<Value Type='User'>" + objuser1.LoginName + "
                       + "<FieldRef Name='TriggerFromTimerJob' />"
                       + "</IsNull><Eq>"
                       + "<FieldRef Name='TriggerFromTimerJob' /><Value 
                       + "</Eq></Or></And></And></Where>";
                    SPQuery oQueryProjDocLibCodeStage = new SPQuery();
                    oQueryProjDocLibCodeStage.Query = strPTPQueryforPDL;
                    oListItemCollProjDocLibProjCodeStage = 

                    int counterprojdoclibstage = 

        if (oListItemCollProjDocLibProjCodeStage != null && 
       oListItemCollProjDocLibProjCodeStage.Count > 0)
                        foreach (SPListItem singleProjDocLibCodeStageItem in 
                            int idofmatchingprojdoclib = 


it seems , "" + "" + objuser1.LoginName + "" line of query is throwing error.

in order to get the correct items after caml query execution, what should be written ? i cant hardcode the spuser values

am using NTLM authentication . i tried with the below query as well:

     string  strPTPQueryforPDL = "<Where><And><Eq>"
                         + "<FieldRef Name='ProjectCode' />"
                        + "<Value Type='Text'>" + strsingleProjCodeforptp + 
                        + "</Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='AssignedTo' />"
                       + "<Value Type='Integer'><UserID>" + objuser1.ID + "
                       + "<FieldRef Name='TriggerFromTimerJob' />"
                       + "</IsNull><Eq>"
                       + "<FieldRef Name='TriggerFromTimerJob' /><Value  
                       + "</Eq></Or></And></And></Where>";

                   that also failed!

            <Eq><FieldRef Name='AssignedTo' />"
      + "<Value Type='User' LookupId='True'>>" + objuser1.Id+ "</Value></Eq>

also didnt work Which one is the correct caml query to get the actual result count?

2 Answers 2


You forget to add LookupId="True" for the field in CAML Query,

    <FieldRef Name="AssignedTo" LookupId="True" />
    <Value Type="User">//userid here ex. objuser1.Id</Value>

By following ways you can make query on user,

  • If you know the display name of the user

        <FieldRef Name='User_x0020_ID' />
       <Value Type='User'>System Account</Value>
  • If you know the User Id ( not the login id)

        <FieldRef Name='User_x0020_ID' LookupId='True'  />
        <Value Type='User'>1073741823</Value>
  • If you would like to filter based on current user (logged in User )

       <FieldRef Name='User_x0020_ID'/>
       <Value Type='User'><UserID/></Value>

you can visit this.


try like this Instead of 1 pass the userid

      <FieldRef Name='User' LookupId='TRUE' />
       <Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value>

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