How can I programtically display/add an image into a Content Editor in SharePoint Online?
I have managed to get an image programtically added to "Site Assets", but how can I as a second step get it added into a Content Editor?
How can I programtically display/add an image into a Content Editor in SharePoint Online?
I have managed to get an image programtically added to "Site Assets", but how can I as a second step get it added into a Content Editor?
Disclaimer: I see an influx of Asian accounts, asking questions as if they started with SharePoint yesterday, and think StackOverflow is a free training site.
It is not!
We are here to help you when you tried (very) hard to solve you coding problem yourself,
We are not here to do your job.
Learn to use the PnP (Patterns & Practices) tool to create SharePoint content
But that's pushing content with Powershell from the back-end
If you want to create content Client-Side it is JSOM & REST you need to learn.
The question "Put a picture in a CEWP" could even imply you don't know the CEWP can not take binary content.
I fear , you are now trying to build a house not knowing half the tools yet.
Then build the house