Our company has some data (employee info) in Oracle ERP 11. Whereas on other hand we have SharePoint 2016. We want to create a responsive Org Chart fetching data from Oracle ERP. Kindly let know which is the ideal way to do so. Any working sample / steps will be of great help.

Kindly let know if any further details required.


1 Answer 1


You can read data from oracle DB in SharePoint via Bussiness connectivity service (BCS)


  1. Create a database Link between SQL server and Oracle DB by installing OLEDB client on the SQL server only.

  2. Use SharePoint designer to build an external content type for SQL server.Check the detail steps at SharePoint: BCS Connect To Oracle DB No Code

enter image description here

  1. Now you have a SharePoint list and you can read and Create your Org Chart from it. like mentioned at here and here

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