I'm using sputility.js for making some fields as readonly in my new/edit forms. It works like a charm for all fields except Person fields. The issue with Person fields is when person fields became read-only they are displayed as a link with

<a href="/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=<USER_ID_HERE>&amp;RootFolder=*"><USER_TITLE_HERE></a>

this used to throw me access denied error pages on clicking as i do not have access to root web.

I want the link to point to my site collection url something like

<a href="/sites/site_collection/sub site/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=<USER_ID_HERE>&amp;RootFolder=*"><USER_TITLE_HERE></a>

which is the correct url to view the profile page.

1 Answer 1


I went through the sputility.js file and found this piece of code

 x.done(function (result) {
         // result is an SP.List because that is what we passed to resolve()!
         var htmlText = "";
         for (var i = 0; i < result.users.length; i++) {
            var user = result.users[i];
            if (htmlText !== "") { htmlText += "; "; }
               htmlText += '<a href="/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=' + user.get_id().toString() + '&amp;RootFolder=*">' + user.get_title() + '</a>';
         // finally! send the result to our callback
         return callback(htmlText);

I modified the htmlText+= line to include the relative url of the current sub-site/site using _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl thanks to this question and it works like i expected.

x.done(function (result) {
         // result is an SP.List because that is what we passed to resolve()!
         var htmlText = "";
         for (var i = 0; i < result.users.length; i++) {
            var user = result.users[i];
            if (htmlText !== "") { htmlText += "; "; }
               htmlText += '<a href="'+_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl+'/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=' + user.get_id().toString() + '&amp;RootFolder=*">' + user.get_title() + '</a>';
         // finally! send the result to our callback
         return callback(htmlText);

before i found this solution i was using something like this

var changeLink=function(){

                if($('div.sputility-readonly a').length ===1){
                    //console.log('href set. clearing interval');
                    $('div.sputility-readonly a').each(function(){

                    var oldhref=$(this).attr('href');
                    //console.log('new href '+$(this).attr('href'));

                    //console.log('href not set yet');

which i used to run whenever i make a Person field as readonly..

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