I have a list named Users which contains two fields namely User(user or person) and Region(Lookup),In which Region points to another field('Name') of another list named Region which contains fields namely Name,Latitude,Longitude,Radius.Below is a query which I wrote to filter out Latitude,Longitude,Radius of the current User.

http://cloudapps.cctspl.com/sites/ClockInClockOut/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Users')/items?$select=User/Name,Region/Name,Region/Latitude,Region/Longitude,Region/Radius&$expand=User,Region&$filter=User/Name eq '[email protected]'

But when I use the above link its returning me an Id but i'm not getting the values(Lat,Lng,Radius) of the corresponding user.

1 Answer 1


As per given query by you in $filter section, you are using Email address for "User/Name" field.. Try this REST url

http://cloudapps.cctspl.com/sites/ClockInClockOut/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Users')/items?$select=User/Name,Region/Name,Region/Latitude,Region/Longitude,Region/Radius&$expand=User,Region&$filter=User/EMail eq '[email protected]'

  • Welcome bro.. Please up vote answer..
    – SID
    Commented Aug 13, 2016 at 6:20

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