I've been reading that named anchor tags don't work in SharePoint 2010 Server; these are the tags that allow you to jump to a part of a page. In other words, the core.js functionality will prevent you from using /mypage.aspx#myanchor
to get to this anchor:
<a name="myanchor"></a>
I've been looking at doing named anchors via the UI but can't seem to find it. Plus these two articles say it wouldn't work anyway: Sharepoint 2010 and Anchor Tags and http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sharepoint2010general/thread/f7eab808-da8a-44fd-9933-f9b992f5affc
Is it true that named anchors (to allow users to jump to a part of a page) don't work in SP2010? If they work, how do you implement it for non-HTML folks who want to add them to pages without editing HTML?