I'm a ASP.Net developer very new in SharePoint development (and english is not my native language).
We have just one Sharepoint Project, which contains all the WebParts that users use. When we have a bugfix on a WebPart, the correction in production environment occurs in the following steps:
- Uninstall the current solution; - Uninstall-SPSolution
- Remove the uninstalled solution; - Remove-SPSolution
- Add the new solution (the new .wsp package generate by VS with the bugfix); Add-SPSolution
- Install the added solution; - Install-SPSolution
In this process, the production portal stays offline by 5~10 minutes - what is inadmissible, given the criticality of the portal.
The question is: How could I make small corrections and bugfixes (in WebParts, for example) without uninstalling and removing the current solution, keeping the production site online during the process?
Any recommendations are welcome
Edit1 (more informations): In fact, our WebParts code behind just interfaces with other referenced projects. In most cases, the bugfix occurs on a core library, rather than the webpart code. So, in this case, I just need to update that dll's.