Is there any way to change the default Start Time (just the date) for New Item's to the date that the user clicked on? I have tried setting the start time to (none) and to Today's Date and both of them result in pre-populating it with todays date. We will be scheduling items in the future so when a user clicks on a date in the future, I wanted the new item to default to the date the user just clicked on to add the new item. Is that possible?
My bad..... I wanted the default for a new item to be an all day event so I added the info below to a text file and it is working but apparently it overrides the default of the start date. I guess I have a choice of either getting the default to be all day or the default start time to be the date the user chose but not both! But at least now I know why it's not defaulting to the date the user clicks on.
<script src="/is/technologyservices/applicationservices/Documents/jquery-2.1.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
if (!$('span[title=All Day Event] > input').attr("checked"))
$('span[title=All Day Event] > input').click();
//hide check-box
//$('tr:has(span[title=All Day Event])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();