I'm using SharePoint 2010 and Form Services. I have an InfoPath (IP) form which calls a web service. This web service is relative to the current server, actually it's a feature I created. I set the Data Connection in the IP form to not load on start. In the code behind I change the serviceurl to the current server's URL. It works great on my dev box, but when I move it to the staging server it errors, error below. It does however still run through my codebehind on my code and my data appears.
The following query failed: ListGroupUsers (User: DOMAIN\SPADMIN, Form Name: RequestForm, IP: , Connection Target: , Request: http://sp.domain.com/FCSWorkPagesLibrary/request-intake.aspx?SaveLocation=https://sp.domain.com/Request Forms, Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:RequestForm:-myXSD-2010-09-10T15-05-49 Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: The remote name could not be resolved: 'bricweb1' The remote name could not be resolved: 'bricweb1')
bricweb1 is my dev box.