I am having a form and I am trying to get the current user details to be repopulated like first name, lastname, email, phone, etc using the user information list in SharePoint 2010. I did all the steps but when the user trying to add the new item I see all the fields as blank nothing is showing up.

I have created a data connection to User Information list and than on form load I have set fields value UserName() = UserName() from function fx and than query for data using data connection.

Can anyone help me on this if am missing something.


2 Answers 2


Use GetUserProfileByName operation of UserProfileService.asmx web service. It has the properties that you need. Add this on Data Connection, this will run on load. Put rules on load to set the fields that you want to be auto populated using the web service.

See this for detailed steps: http://thinketg.com/using-infopath-and-the-web-service-getuserprofilebyname/

  • hi Mekalikot I have done with that though but am looking for something on User Information list which SharePoint has. Is there any limitation on that as am not getting data after I publish I could only see the empty form without any pre-populated data .Thanks
    – SPLearner
    Commented Oct 8, 2015 at 13:22
  • I can also see the data in prievew mode of the form but once I publish I don't see anything its complete blank.Any guess or idea on this .Thanks.
    – SPLearner
    Commented Oct 8, 2015 at 13:47
  • check if the DATA RETRIEVED is set to Every time form is opened. Then try dragging the folder Property Data(repeating table) into the form then test in preview and published mode.
    – Mekalikot
    Commented Oct 9, 2015 at 1:05
  • Where can I find that option
    – SPLearner
    Commented Oct 9, 2015 at 11:58
  • select Data Connections on the lower right of the form when in design mode. Select the web service data connection that you created then select modify. Click next until you reached the "renaming of the data connection", there is a tick box there about retrieving date when opened. Check it.
    – Mekalikot
    Commented Oct 12, 2015 at 23:17

Instead of using Site Collection to call for user Information list in InfoPath I have used Site level and it worked.It is populating all the data from the list. Thanks.

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