Situation: A Custom List and a approval workflow designed by SharePoint Designer 2010
The approval workflow will pause 5 mins when the item created , after pause, will start the approval process.
When only one item into the custom list ,after pause 5 mins , it will randomly to show the error 'xxx workfow fail to run'.
When more then one item created into the list , after pause 5 mins , it will randomly to show error ' xxx workflow fail to run' on each items , sometime only show the error on one item.
Work around: I try to modifiy the pause action longer , e.g. pause 5 mins updated to pause 1 hour. And not allow the worklfows run at same time.
workflow a:12:30
workflow b:01:45
workflow c:02:00
I would like to know , how can I fix the 'xxx workfow fail to run' error
2014-06-17 In this case , I start the workflow at 10:06 am , and workflow pause 30mins , after pause activity done , it show error workflow fail to run.