I am running SP2013 standard. The App server (just single server, no separated WFE or DB) have machinename win-machinename and static ip On the DNS I setup A record "web"

Right after the SP2013 installation completed, there are two web applications. One is http://win-machinename:12345 as the CA. Another is http://win-machinename. In the AAM I changed http://win-machinename to http://web.domain.com (for all 5 zones)

Since all of our users site within Intranet, I think it is fine and easy setup. All users and me can access by http://web.domain.com as expected. However, in the event log I found following:

Alternate access mappings have not been configured. Users or services are accessing the site http://web.domain.com with the URL http://win-machinename. This may cause incorrect links to be stored or returned to users. If this is expected, add the URL http://win-machinename as an AAM response URL.

The running account for this error is "wss_service" which I setup to run Sharepoint services.

May I know how to get rid of above error and why the error? Thanks.


1 Answer 1


It is fixed by correct the IIS binding. Orginially I have an IIS entry listen to wildcard hostname on port 80. This entry is linked to http://web.domain.com Sharepoint web application.

Some service was visiting http://win-machinename:80 and land on http://web.domain.com triggered the error. After I amend the IIS entry to bind with hostname "web.domain.com" port 80 no more error occur.

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