I have created SharePoint site using Visual Studio. I have also created list and I have added some custom fields. However, I can see list in quick launch. Is there anyway to show list on page? How I can add list to page, so I don't have to click it in quick launch? So, list is part on text page layout? Any guide how to do this? Or how I add it?
2 Answers
You can provision a view to a page by using a module
The example below will provision a list view web part on the default.aspx page into RightWebPartZone using the list view with BaseViewID=3 for list with url Lists/MyList
<Module Name="MyPages" Url="$Resources:cmscore,List_Pages_UrlName;" Path="pages">
<File Url="default.aspx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" Level="Published">
WebPartOrder="0" />
You can add it as a listview webpart.
Following are the steps:
- Edit the page
- Click on Add webpart.
- Click on lists.
Select the list to be added to the page.