Background: We are migrating a legacy system into Sharepoint and will look to migrate around 300 000 documents. There is some metadata which inherently diferentiates the documents from eachother.
Currently I have chosen to have 5 subsites with a doc library in each to essentially split the documents up roughly based on the metadata, however they all use the same content type.
I have written a custom interface for querying the data without the use of the default list views by using SPSiteDataQuery. My queries will always return < 5000 items as a lot of the number of documents in the list are actually versioned so throttling should not be an issue.
Question: Is there any point splitting up the doc libraries? Is there an issue with putting all the docs in a single list with regards to performance?
I'd rather have them in a single list and use SPQuery. It would also make other operations I need to perform easier to implement without having the libraries in different places.
Sharepoint can apparently store up to 30 million items in a list. Am I worrying needlessly about 300 000 docs in a single list? We are NOT using any folders or item level permissioning either