I have installed SharePoint Foundation 2010 Foundation in Single mode. At installation a local db service was created at .\sharepoint and I haven't got permission on the databases to create a database dump from them.

How can I get permission to this database? I have local admin permission on this server.


1 Answer 1


SharePoint 2010 uses SQL Server Express edition as database server and you can connect to it using SQL Server Express Manage Studio. Connect to database using your admin account or the service account you had provided.
Also refer to this blog post: http://weblogs.asp.net/jevgeni/archive/2010/01/14/connecting-to-sharepoint-foundation-2010-internal-database.aspx

  • I know how I can connect to SQL Server Express, and I can do that. But if I try to do something with WSS_Content (show all table for example) in SQL Managment Studio I get exception. I think at installation SharePoint create db with SQL Server authorization as well Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 10:29

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